1 Guide - Reference Documentation
Authors: Stefan Armbruster
Version: 0.4
1 Guide
A common requirement in many applications is to deal with countries and/or continents. The plugin's goal is to apply the DRY principle to these requirements.In short, the plugin offers:- populated domain classes for countries and continents
- i18n for continent and country names (for now, af, de, en, es fr, it, nb_NO and pt_BR locales)
- tags for simple usage of
- localized names
- select boxes: for all countries, for all continents, for all countries of a continent or for a defined set of countries. The select box contents are automatically sorted by the the localized country/continent name.
- provide a IP address -> country conversion
- add more languages
- provide templates for scaffolding
authors and contributors
The plugin is authored by Stefan Armbruster.Contributors:- Robert Fletcher: translation to Afrikaans (af)
- Christopher Kolstad: translation to Norge (nb_NO)
- Luxas Teixeira: translations to Spanish (es), French (fr), Italian (it), Portugese (pt_BR)
Installation is done like every other plugin:grails install-plugin countries
Domain classes
The plugin contains three domain classes.grails.plugin.countries.Region
is an abstract base class for grails.plugin.countries.Country
and grails.plugin.countries.Continent
. continent and country are related to each other with a bidirectional 1:n relation, so each continent has multiple countries and each country refers to one continent. The Country domain class holds the 2- and 3 letter codes of ISO 3166 as well as the name of country's capital. N.B. the country name itself is not stored in the domain class but is available in i18n properties files by following the convention country.<3 letter code>
. So when e.g. lookup up localized names for Germany, you have to use property country.GER
. The same applies for continents. Since there seems no standard abbreviation for continents the plugin uses:
- AF: Afrika
- AS: Asia
- OC: Australia
- EU: Europe
- NA: North America
- SA: South America
- AN: Antarctica
The author cannot assure that the country data is 100% accurate. If a country is missing in the list, or any errors are found, please file a JIRA.
The plugin comes with a taglib providing easy access to localized filenames and for country/continent related select boxes. For details, see the tag description in the left hand frame.Example
This short example demonstrates the usage and the capabilities of the plugin. It is assumed that you have created some grails project. A domain classAddress
uses Country
import grails.plugins.countries.Countryclass Address { String street String no String zip String city String state Country country }
instance using address
:Placeholder for name ${address.street} ${address.no} ${address.zip} ${address.city} ${address.state}<country:name object="${address.country}"/>
… <country:select name="country.id" value="${fieldValue(bean:address,field:'country.id')}" noSelection="['':'select please:']"/> ...
release history
- 0.4.0 2012-09-20
- upgrade to Grails 2.1.0
- adding spock tests for taglib
- upgrade country data from wikipedia
- introduced Region as abstract base class
- 0.2.1
- added contributed language nb_NO, cheers to Christopher Kolstad
- changed mapping of Country.key and Continent.key to 'ckey' in the database, since some db's don't like 'key' as a column name
- introduced Region domain class: Country and Continent are now subclasses of Region
- locale dependent sorting using Collators in Taglib
- 0.2 2010-08-07:
- added languages:
- af: contributed by Robert Fletcher
- es, fr, it, pt_BR: contributed by Lucas Frare Teixeira
- country list is now maintained out CountryBootstrap.groovy in a seperate csv file
- reworked properties file to consistently use ISO-3166 3-letter-code as key
- 0.1.1 2010-08-04: bugfix: plugin unusable with Grails <= 1.3.3
- 0.1 2010-08-04: initial release